WilsonBlock100 Radio

Q&A With St. Louis Based Hip Hop Artist Bigg Rich

Hey Bigg Rich! We really appreciate and love new cutting edge Hip Hop! Please tell us how many years have you been making music? How do you describe your sound?

I have been making music since I was 13. Today my sound is way different from when I started lol. I have gained more confidence in my voice and vocal rang to be able to sing and rap. When I first started, I was shy and wanted to sing but never did in front of no one.

Tell us who are your Hip Hop and/or music influences? Any local city influences?

I look up to Jay Z for his power moves as a businessman. To be honestly I pay more attention to the label owners and how they move. They make more money and that’s the level of business I want to work on. In my city its not like most music city’s I want to be the one to change that and give my city more to look up to.

Please breakdown the creative process of your new single “Quarantine Love” .

Quarantine Love started as a joke. I was in the studio checking out beats and I had my mask and gloves and started free styling about grabbing your mask and gloves and spread the Quarantine love lol. The more I joked around the more I took it seriously and started sing it for real. The vibe in the studio was amazing and oddly love was in the air. The rest was me thinking about how I can use my words to help people look at out lock down differently. I want them to take the time with the family and learn and love each other. My home boy Marty G came over later that day I let him hear it and he loved it and dropped his verse. This song went from playful idea to hitting 100K streams in 2 weeks’ time. I wrote it, mixed and master, shoot a video, registered it and uploaded it in 6 days. 7 days later 100k streams. In my city that’s amazing no other artist is doing that.

Seems like being independent is the way to go nowadays in the over-saturated underground Hip Hop game! How has your perspective changed when it comes to maintaining being indie, or is your goal to get signed one day!?

Independent is great but it is expensive. I used to say I will never get signed, but now that I have leverage to bring to the table the conversations are different. BiggRich is set to blow its only a matter of time. Partnering with a label can make that happen faster without me giving up everything. I will tell anyone be ready to pay to play that’s the only way to break.

How are you dealing with this Corona Virus epidemic right now?

Corona didn’t stop me it helped because it put me at the same playing field as any major artist, we all stuck inside lol. I just spend more time with my family and learned how to make money in other ways to keep business going. It helped me grow as a businessman.

How often do you perform LIVE! Any chance you will be performing out in the West Coast?! Any tours on the way?!

Once I reach that point of my plain I will start traveling and performing live, for now I’m building my audience.

Any new projects/videos you are working on!?

Yes I will release a project every month next in line is Darling. I have a meeting with AE Music group on May 30th if all work out it will be my biggest release yet.

Here it is! Our most popular question! What is your definition of “underground hip hop”?

Underground hip hop is the rawest form of hip hop. It is very emotional driven. It’s the level to find out who you are in music.

Where can people find you on the web? Drop all the vital links?

IG http://instagram.com/br314

Spotify http://open.spotify.com/artist/4RniqPd7fhowbzKaFvz4nX

Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvQle-6YRhMmBIlc6RpkfZA

Website biggrich.com

FB http://www.facebook.com/bigg.rich.39

Any shout outs?

I will like to thank my team for helping me get here and a big thanks to UndergroundHipHopBlog.

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