Below is an exclusive interview with Ajane. Support your local artists by sharing this article with family and friends.
Mistah Wilson: Yo, Ajane! What's good wit it! Thanks for comin' thru for this exclusive interview with ThaWilsonBlock Magazine. What's tha latest & greatest?
Ajane: Hey, what’s up! Thank you for the opportunity to interview with you. Man, I’ve been dropping music like crazy! Me and Taye Zooited dropped "80 Proof" and I got another video solo coming soon called “La Dada”.

Ajane: Honestly Me and Taye Were Just Chillen in the living room and I believe we were drinking while we were trying to make a dope track . Next thing you know I had just blurted out “this that shit that yo bitch wanna dance to” and I looked at the label of my favorite liquor and it said 80 proof and went on from there. I never thought people would enjoy it as much when we made it but it ended up being a hit.
Mistah Wilson: So, how DID you find tha bitches during quarantine? lol
Ajane: Lol I didn’t necessarily find any bitches they just sort of pulled up. It really wasn’t easy getting people to participate for that video so we used what we had and real ones came and supported. We definitely wanted more females in that video but it’s good.
Mistah Wilson: Speaking of 80 proof, what is your drink of choice?
Ajane: My favorite drink is tequila. Any kind of tequila pretty much but I’m always buying Jose Quervo Gold. Always good memories when I’m lit off that.
Mistah Wilson: You got tracks with Taye Zooited even before tha "80 Proof" song. How did you two develop tha working business relationship you have today?

Mistah Wilson: What current & upcoming projects do you have in tha works?
Ajane: I have an album I’m working on that’s got some crazy hits . I’m coming way different on it than how I do with my group Zooited Gang. I’m thinking of calling it “just lounging” but I’m always so indecisive about my projects. Then I have a new music video dropping anytime soon called “La Dada” which will be one of the songs on my new album . This is just a taste of how I’m coming in 2020 Solo.
Mistah Wilson: Who are some artists and musicians you've looked up to that have helped define tha artist you are today?
Ajane: A few artists I’ve got so much love for is “The Internet” “Syd” “Ari Lennox” “Mac Ayres” “Daniel Caeser” “Free nationals” “phony ppl” “Brent Faiyaz” and that’s only a few I’ve got so many more. They have opened my eye in a different direction in music for me.
Mistah Wilson: Where can people find and follow you online?
Ajane: You can find me on all platforms of music Spotify Apple Music ITunes SoundCloud (Ajane) .
My IG Is @Ajane206 pretty much @Ajane206 everywhere lol .
Mistah Wilson: Hey, Ajane, thanks so much for comin' thru for this exclusive interview with ThaWilsonBlock Magazine! If you have any shout outs, let's hear it...
Ajane: Thank you So Much! Shoutout to My Family, Zooited Gang, My Friends, P White @Popunderground studios And of Course God And Jesus For Helping Me In This Journey Of Music.