WilsonBlock100 Radio

Free Artist Photo Shoot @ McDonald Park in Pasadena, CA 10/28

If you're an artist in or around Los Angeles/Southern California and are looking for a movement to join that will expand your network and presence, Tha DENA Music Scene, formerly known as the Pasadena Music Scene, is hosting an informal, free photo shoot for local, native, independent artists at McDonald Park in Pasadena, CA on Friday October 28th, 2016 from 12p-2p. 

This shoot is tha first of many to come each month as Bing Bing is working vigorously to unite tha local music scene in tha Pasadena / Altadena region. It is called the #BringingItTogether Free Artist Photo Shoot where local artists come together to take formal pictures with other artists demonstrating values of love, peace, & unity. By doing this, we are taking control of our artistic destinies and using our influence for tha greater good of ourselves and our community.

By having artists take photos together demonstrating honorable values, we can influence our future in a positive way. We must understand that WE have tha power to make it happen. The #BringingItTogether movement was created shortly after tha implementation of tha formal music scene (Tha DENA Music Scene) in Pasadena that encouraged artists from different circles and genres to come together and demonstrate a unity.

Artists who participate will receive:

  1. One Professional Portrait of themselves.
  2. Publicity in Magazines, Blogs, Forums, Website, Social Media, and Word of Mouth.
  3. A formal Certificate of Recognition that states you are recognized by your local music scene. This is what we create as an alternative to tha commercial scene to provide ourselves with a platform to grow.
  4. One free exclusive audio/article interview for publication.
  5. Free food!
According to Mistah Wilson, many DENA rappers are still reluctant to join tha local music scene movement. As a result of this, tha Pasadena Music Scene and Pasadena Hip Hop Scene are now consolidated into Tha DENA Music Scene hoping to encourage more DENA artists to participate. "We need our DENA rappers especially to know that there are little to no resources or entities out there that cater to our exclusive type of demographic genre," exclaims Mistah Wilson. "That is why we are here. To revive & preserve local urban culture." 

Artists that are not originally from tha Pasadena / Altadena region are still highly encouraged to attend and participate in tha #BringingItTogether movement. You will join an ever-growing network with no financial dues or requirements and you will be formally recognized by your local music scene. Come meet cool, new artists while building your portfolio at tha same time!

Questions or Comments
Call (626)586-4440

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