WilsonBlock100 Radio

Exclusive Interview w/ Singer/Songwriter Reina Mora about Inspiration, Influences, and her new single "Brighter Sky"

Mistah WilsonHey, Reina Mora! Honored to have you here with us for this exclusive interview with ThaWilsonBlock. How have you been?
Reina Mora: I’ve been busy but good. Thank you for asking we’ve been hard at work on the music video for “Brighter Sky” which is currently in production and should be out in June. 

Mistah WilsonSo our audience can have a clear understanding of who you are, can you tell us a little about yourself?
Reina MoraI am a Singer/Songwriter- I love performing, traveling, vintage shopping which influences my sound. I love mixing the old with the new and making it current with my latin roots firmly planted. 

Mistah WilsonHow was life growing up in Puerto Rico and Los Angeles for you and what was the transition like?
Reina MoraI moved around a lot but I spent a lot my childhood in Puerto Rico during the summers. I lived in Puerto Rico, New York, New Jersey, Miami but currently live in Los Angeles. I love LA which I now call home with my husband Jason and two fur babies Barf and Zero.  

Mistah WilsonYour new single “Brighter Sky” is a great song! What went into the production of this new latin jam of yours?
Reina MoraIt started as a poem I wrote for my husband then shortly after I realized it could work as a song so I developed it further with my producer Omer Avni from Riot Van Productions. I knew I wanted to add a latin flair to it so it wasn’t a typical love song. I showed Omer some songs I liked for influences and he just ran with the idea. 

Mistah Wilson: Do you choreograph dance around your music? If so, what styles?
Reina MoraNot as of now but I will be incorporating that with my next single “Trouble” especially in the music video. I grew up dancing to salsa so maybe that will be added. 

Mistah WilsonSo tell us about your upcoming EP entitled “Birds Eye View” being produced by Omer Avni?
Reina MoraIt’s a very personal EP which I view now from the outside looking in- This was my therapy of moving forward with all my issues as a child and with becoming a women. This album has given me the opportunity to look back at my life from a place of understanding. The music is drawn from coming to terms that as an adult I am now in control of deciding where home is. 

Mistah WilsonWhere do you draw inspiration from when writing and composing new songs?
Reina MoraCurrently it’s drawn from lyrics or poems that I write. Sometimes the melodies come first but it all depends. I write from my own experiences or what I am feeling. Real or not I make it come to life in a song. 

Mistah WilsonWho are some artists you’ve worked with and who would you like to work with in the future?
Reina MoraI’ve had the pleasure of working with Omer Avni (Guitar/Bass/Keys), Aviv Cohen (Drums), Asher Fedi (Drums), Jessie Payo (Vocals), Vanessa Bryan (Vocals), Autumn Robertson (Vocals), Danny Levine (trumpet), Jessy Greene (Violin),  Mark Mckee (Keys) and Eddie Montilla (Keys). I would love to work with Robi Draco Rosa he is my favorite Puerto Rican Producer/Artist and also Lin-Manuel Miranda another amazing artist that I would be honored to write with. 

Mistah WilsonWhat’s the performance circuit lookin’ like? Have you done any shows lately?
Reina MoraNot as of late but I am looking forward to stepping back onto the stage again it’s honestly one of my favorite things to do. I love performing live! 

Mistah WilsonAre you an independent artist or are you signed?
Reina MoraCurrently independent but hopefully not for long. 

Mistah WilsonSo, INSTRUMENTS! Do you play an instrument(s)? If so, which one(s)?
Reina MoraUnfortunately I haven’t mastered the art of playing any instruments just yet but I am hoping to learn guitar and start from there since my grandfather gave me his guitar when he passed away. I’ve always had the urge to learn just not the time for it just yet. 

Mistah WilsonWhat time of your life did you realize that music is what you wanted to pursue?
Reina MoraAll I’ve ever wanted to do was Sing. My mother heard me at a young age and always made me sing with a pretty voice in front of friends and family. I wasn’t shy and I knew that I loved it so I kept on by joining talent shows, musical theater and drama. I even played viola in 4th grade just never kept it going since we moved- Writing songs and singing have always been my passion. 

Mistah WilsonWhat have been some of the challenges you’ve had to face along the journey?
Reina MoraFinding myself as an artist was the biggest challenge I’ve had to face. I believe knowing your sound and what you want to say with your music isn’t easy. I’ve been in bands since I was 16 and once my last band broke up I knew I didn’t want to be in bands anymore. I wanted Reina to be truly 100% ME so I went back to basics listened to all the music I loved and grew up with to develop myself. I took some time to write these songs and really think about what I wanted to say it was honestly the best and most liberating part of my journey. But I know there are many more obstacles to come like promoting and touring but at least I can face them knowing that I am being 100% real with my audience. 

Mistah WilsonWhat are some more of the rewarding things?
Reina MoraMy friends and family being able to listen to what I’ve grown into as an artist. I get to live my dream and that in itself if the best reward of all. I am constantly motivated by all the people who believe in me it’s truly a team effort and I am completely proud of what we have accomplished. 

Mistah WilsonWho are some primary influential figures in your life that motivated your creative drive?
Reina MoraMy husband Jason is a huge influence not only is he my #1 fan but he also has an amazing ear for music so when I am working on a song his opinion truly holds weight to the song. And my grandfather Emerito who passed away when I was 14 he was the one that taught me how to write songs and express myself through music. He constantly sent me his songs and I sent him mine we were writing partners. I can honestly say I had a supportive family when it came to my music and that is why Puerto Rico is such a big part my sound. 

Mistah Wilson: What do you plan on accomplishing through your music?
Reina MoraI hope that people can listen and relate to the songs- My goal has always been to inspire by speaking from the heart. I remember when I was 13 I wrote my first song which got some radio play in Miami “In My Mother’s Eye’s” and a young girl came up to me asking he she could preform the song to her mother that was in the hospital. I was moved that she loved the song so much she wanted to sing it to her mom that memory and feeling has never left me. I hope that “Brighter Sky” can be the love song that couples dance to at there wedding or is a dedication on a mixtape to someone they love. 

Mistah WilsonWhat overall message do you have for aspiring musicians looking to pursue a career as an artist?
Reina MoraFirst make something that you are proud of. Music that you can listen to years from now and always ring truth of who you are or were. This is a tough business and you need thick skin so surround yourself with people who are talented and challenge you to be better. This is a team effort nothing you do as an artist will be alone so make sure you have people you trust. Always work hard nothing will be given to you. Just because you have people helping you doesn’t mean you leave all the work to them nobody is going to be as hungry about your career then you are so keep that drive by promoting yourself as much as possible. Honestly it is that simple if you work hard enough at it you will be successful. 

Mistah WilsonHow important is giving back to the community to you?
Reina MoraVery. I’ve volunteered at Homeless Shelters, done the Nuts for Mutts walk and was apart of CALPIRG in college. I strongly believe is helping each other as a community not everyone is granted the same opportunities and I was one of them growing up. I hope to one day be able to help out on a grander scale. 

Mistah WilsonWhere can people find and follow your music online?
Reina MoraMy Website: www.reinamoramusic.com and New Lyric Video: https://youtu.be/Gko7eJIVY8M

Mistah WilsonThe Lovely Reina Mora! It’s been an honor to have you here with us for this exclusive interview with ThaWilsonBlock! Thank you for the wonderful opportunity and much success to you, your team, and family! If you have any shout outs, let’s hear em…
Reina MoraThank you to my RM Team!!!! Too many names to list but you know who you are I love you all. xo, Reina 

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