WilsonBlock100 Radio

Mistah Wilson catches up with Harrisburg, PA Rapper windCHILL as they discuss Music Scenes, Cyphers, and Artistry.

Mistah Wilson catches up with Harrisburg, PA Rapper windCHILL as they discuss Music Scenes, Cyphers, and Artistry.

Mistah Wilson: Yo, windchILL! What’s good, fam thanks for coming through for this exclusive interview with ThaWilsonBlock Magazine! Honored to have you here with us. How ya been?
windCHILL: Hey what's up everyone! I have been great. Just enduring and enjoying life's ups and downs. Can't thank you enough for having me. It's a pleasure to be here with you guys! 

Mistah Wilson: Before we ask any further questions, can you give us a quick background of yourself?
windCHILL: I have been making music since I was 16 years old. I lived the first 8 years of my life in Philadelphia. I moved to Harrisburg PA in 1988.  I was born in 1980 so that would make the year I got started 1996, right in the heart of the Golden Era. My tag line is "Relentless and driven to make a difference through beats and rhymes". Next year I will celebrate 20 years in the game. My latest release The Human Animal was released this passed June of 2014. 

Mistah Wilson: How was life growing up on tha East Coast?
windCHILL: Growing up on the East Coast is and was a lot of fun and after visiting some other places recently I can see it has its own personality. I grew up in the north east USA which is the birth region of hip hop music so I'm not complaining! It has def influenced my sound! 

Mistah Wilson: How did you come up with tha unique name “windchILL”?
windCHILL: Speaking of East Coast The name windchILL is definitely a product of my surroundings. PA is definitely top 5 in the USA for snowfall. We have some brutal winters! On top of that always been a fan of nature and being in the outdoors. Wind is such an unstoppable force. It was that thinking that lead to the name. I'll give you a gem. At 16 when I started rapping my friends named me white gold. They loved the name but truth be told I didnt! Lol. So I had to ponder a new name to call myself. After about the first 2 years I renamed myself and never looked back. Other names during that first 2 years were Lieutenant Freestyle & Captain Hook! Lol 

Mistah Wilson: What led you to become an artist?
windCHILL: A few things led me to be an music artist. First thing is I'm a born salesmen and with independent music you sell yourself into shows and clubs etc. Always was and still am great at that. I'm a beast at self promotion. Music was very prominent in my life growing up. My dad had a mean love for music from a fans perspective. Wasn't a musician but just had tons of great records. One thing also about him was be was very eclectic with his records. We would go from rocking Hank Williams Jr. To Talking Heads, to Earth Wind and Fire to Aerosmith to Michael Jackson! Learned to use a record player young! My mom was the same as well as her parents sung in church and my grandma was amazing on the piano. My favorite movie growing up was Grease mainly because it was a musical in a sense. I knew all the songs and would sing along and perform them for my family. Last thing is although some are either blind to the ill's of the world or choose to ignore it. With music it gives me a voice to try and make people aware. I also have a message of hope and perseverance and that's a message we all need! 

Mistah Wilson: Tell us about A.O.I…
windCHILL: AOI stands for Artists Over Industry. It was my first real serious group I was part of and we formed in 2001. We went strong till about 2008. The members of AOI were also the owner/operator of the label STLP. The label fizzled out in 2009 and so did the group. We did great things and those days will always be close to my heart. We toured the east coast, dropped 4 total albums of our own and put out over 10 other artists from the Central PA area over the span of our operation! Over the years there were a few different combinations of artists but one constant was me and the other emcee named Inkwell. It was us along with speechless that started the whole AOI mind frame! I still carry that mind frame with me today! 

Mistah Wilson: We first discovered you on Pandora when a close friend recommended “Pay Homage” track by you. Can you tell me a little about the inspiration behind that track?
windCHILL: Everyone wants to do a track where they pay homage to the originators of their craft and those who have inspired them along their journey. Pay Homage was just that. I took my tape collection at the time sat down at a big table to spread them all out. I just started reading album names and song titles and putting phrases together to make sense and writing the verses that way. I had no idea I was creating the track that I was. I was just having fun! I was connected with Louis Logic and JJ Brown from doing an event or two together and I approached JJ about some beats the rest is history. JJ ended up producing the track and it was dope!! 

Mistah Wilson: What message were you trying to send with “I Have Arrived” LP?
windCHILL: With IHA I just wanted to make a good opening statement. I was stepping out in my first solo album ever. All my prior work from 1996-2006 was in a group. 2007 I would drop I Have Arrived and begin my 2nd decade in hip hop as a solo Artists. 

Mistah Wilson: Where are you getting most of your production from? We’re digging tha selection you have over your songs…
windCHILL: My production comes from all over the world.  I've worked with producers from All over the USA, Germany, Romania, France, Italy, The UK, Canada and more! My latest album production credits go to Speechless, Vherbal Anno Domini Beats, XPL and the ILLusionist! My upcoming album credits are Level 13, Speechless, ILLUSIONIST, Phoniks & Vherbal of Anno Domini Beats. 

Mistah Wilson: Tell us about artists you’ve collaborated with and who you would like to work with some time in the future…
windCHILL: I have collaborated with a bunch of great artists. Apollo's Sun, Weirdo, Deejay El ZINK, JJ Brown, Phynite, LaDii J, Alpha Faktion, Urban Sun, Proximity, Ap Rock, Reef the lost Cause, Smiley the Ghetto Child, MikeF, Porcelaine, SL of Repeat Offenders, Dexter Kendrick, DJ Smitty, DJ 456, Elakwents, Quban Spitlatin, Kool Sphere and the list truly goes on.  As for artists I want to work with. I would love to rock over a DJ Premiere beat! Dream come true! Also get KRS ONE to hop on that track with me. 

Mistah Wilson: What’s tha word on your music? Any albums or respective compilations we should know about?
windCHILL: I have a lot of things on the front and back burner. Front burner Is The Human Animal album that dropped in June. Look firm that on Pandora Radio! Just did a Marsten House Cypher with Termanalogy as the headliner over a beat produced by Level 13! It also featured other emcees like T-Zank, Big Lou, Capo, Coast, Father Focus Confucius and more! It was their Launch Cypher for the new Cypher Circuit series! Just did an international track with MikeF and Porcelaine called Positive. The Human Animal has a remix album coming out produced by French Producer Phonk Sycke! Look for that in April. This will contain a brand new never heard before track with Apollo's Sun & Phynite! New album is written and recording for that starts next month. Reese date set for Fall 2015. Title is going to be "2nd Wind". 

Mistah Wilson: Tell us a little about your experiences performing. Where all have you performed and what do you have coming up?
windCHILL: I have a pretty extensive show resume. My first performance in front of a crowd at a venue was 2001. So that's 14 years. I performed Al over the United States. Places like Denver Colorado, Billings Montana, to NYC to Washington DC. Performed with all the greats like KRS ONE, Method Man, Red Man, Reef the Lost Cauze, Blueprint, Sleep, Pfarcyde, Hieroglyphics and more. Coming up my next 2 events are on 5/22/15 with Blueprint and Supastition and 10/10/15 at the 2nd Annual PennsylMania Music Fest! In the fall when the album drops were are trying to hit the road for some shows. 

Mistah Wilson: Are you currently independent or are you rocking with management?
windCHILL: I am rocking with Management. I am with Universal Language from Denver Colorado! Also home to my good homies Proximity! Contact universallanguagehiphop@gmail.com for shows, collaborations, marketing and more. 

Mistah Wilson: What has been the most challenging thing for you when pursuing a career in music?
windCHILL: Believing in yourself when no one else does. I feel super fortunate to have the supporters that I do today but at one point it was tough. There will always be doubters. Me personally I like them. Just another person to prove wrong. 

Mistah Wilson: Where do you find inspiration from when writing and recording songs?
windCHILL: I draw inspiration from everything around me. Recording music is like little time capsules each time. Your preserving that moment and duplicating it and sharing it with the world. I also believe in making this world a better place and I can do that incrementally with the music. It was Bob Marley who once said "the people who were trying to make this world worse don't take days off. How can I?" I believe this was quoted towards the end of his life when he was very ill. 

Mistah Wilson: What comments do you have on the current state local, independent music?
windCHILL: I believe all things change but history repeats. We're coming back to the days where people want to hear some raw good old hip hop music. I think people are getting tired of the same old key synths and 808's.  People want to hear that organic BOOM BAP with real lyrics, sampled snares from a 1978 break beat and a live bass line to really make it funky! Or at least this guy does :) 

Mistah Wilson: Do you agree that mainstream Hip Hop is dead? Why or why not?
windCHILL: I'd have to disagree. Mainstream Rap is alive and well on about 90% of the radio waves and 100% of the TV. So it's not dead. I would say that mainstream rap is LOST! These cats don't really represent the art form except for the part about making words rhyme. There needs to be more balance. I just hate when your an emcee who tackles serious subject matter your immediately labeled a conscious rapper or Underground or something. When someone asks me what kind of music I make, I say the Good Kind! With that said I try to focus on different ways to tackle serious stuff but still remain entertaining and exciting. I focus on really awesome Chorus's so there's a catchy part to the song. 

Mistah Wilson: Who are some of your musical influences?
windCHILL: musical influences are from all genres and all eras. KRS ONE, Etta James, Tom Petty, Talking Heads, Talib Kweli, Tribe Called Quest, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Atmosphere, Jedi Mind Tricks, Dilated Peoples, De La Soul, Gang Starr and more. 

Mistah Wilson: Are you coming to the Los Angeles area anytime soon? We’d love to book you for a show…
windCHILL: well at this moment I don't have specific plans to come to LA but that can be arranged. My Label is in Denver Colorado so we can make that happen. I'd love to make it out there on tour this year! My manager Phil can arrange everything! 

Mistah Wilson: Thanks for coming through for this exclusive interview with ThaWilsonBlock Magazine, windchILL! It’s been great! If you have any shout outs, let’s hear em’!
windCHILL: likewise this has been a great time talking with you. Thank you for taking the time out to chop it up with me. Your questions were great and really had me thinking. Before I go a quick shout out to all my awesome supporters! My home team Universal Language, Proximity, Philly Phil, Wilson Block for having me! Last but not least my wife and 2 baby boys! Without you all nothing else matters.

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