WilsonBlock100 Radio

Mistah Wilson catches up with Brooke Jean for exclusive interview on Poetry, Inspiration, and the meaning behind TheConquerEra.

Mistah Wilson: Thanks for coming through for this exclusive interview with ThaWilsonBlock. We are truly honored to have you.
How have you been, Brooke?
Brooke Jean: Thank you for having me I love the support you provide and inspiration you provide to the community. I am well blessed and excited for this continuous journey of self expression and connection with humanity.

Mistah Wilson: Before we go any further, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
Brooke Jean: I am an individual who tells stories in poetic form. A writer, poet and spoken word artist. I was born and raised in Los Angeles County and writing has always been my self therapy and meditation. I did not foresee me choosing this career path back in high school but God works in mysterious ways. Positive vibes and good energy are the basis of my performances and my stories are meant to inspire from my learned life lessons. 

Mistah Wilson: We first recognized you as the winner for the MyRisingTide competition and the luncheon you had with Russell Simmons. How did that come together and what kind of experience was it for you?
Brooke Jean: The MyRisingTide competition was something I came across on social media from a great motivational speaker Billionaire PA of Wealthy Minds. I entered the contest 2 weeks before submissions closed and out of 60 other contestants I won the grand prize due to my supporters voting. It was an once in a
lifetime feeling being mentored by a business mogul and free spirited entrepreneur who also shared the same passion of art as I do. I learned a lot and still utilize his tips in my business decisions. You can find the 10 minute video on YouTube.
Mistah Wilson: For those who may not already know, what type of artist are you?
Brooke Jean: I am a spoken word artist who performs over music in various forms. I may have a full band and singers performing full songs with my poetry in song format. I also may perform my poetry with just one musician backing my words for emotional effect. 
Mistah Wilson: We were fortunate to catch your performance at Sidewalk Cafe's Live @ The Loft event and you completely owned the stage! How was your experience performing there and was it your first time performing in Pasadena?
Brooke Jean: Thank you! It was such a welcoming intimate experience and the men and women were very appreciative of my artistry. I felt like I was in a room with family and nothing but good energy was passed around. It was my first performance in
Pasadena and I'm excited to return in the future.
Mistah Wilson: You have such great stage presence. What all venues have you performed at?
Brooke Jean: Thank you! I performed at The Nuyurican Poet Cafe in New York, Busboys and Poets cafe in Washington D.C., Key Club and House of Blues in Hollywood CA and various open mic venues in Los Angeles County.

Mistah Wilson: We are aware that you recited poetry over the radio. Can you tell us a little about that?
Brooke Jean: I worked with the OneMic OneVoice radio station reciting weekly poetry for about a year. That was an amazing opportunity that my management at the time, Robust Entertainment, provided for me to reach viewers on a weekly basis. 

Mistah Wilson: What is the meaning behind TheConquerEra?
Brooke Jean: The Conquer Era represents anyone overcoming
obstacles or road blocks in their life and their ability to never give up on themselves. It's more of a mantra of a movement formulated to inspire and motivate others to motivate themselves.

Mistah Wilson: Your music is inspirational and your lyrics are powerful. Who or what inspires the content in your music?
Brooke Jean: People inspire me with their experiences and I go through life's lessons simultaneously. I'm really strong on energy and good vibes because it makes life so much clearer. Everyday we experience a variety of emotions and situations that define who we are. Inspiring!

Mistah Wilson: Tell me one thing you love the most about being an artist...
Brooke Jean: I love this question! I really love the freedom of self expression. I get to release everything within me without limitations. It's my therapy and a gift God has given me to connect with the world.

Mistah Wilson: What would you say has been the most challenging thing for you as an artist?
Brooke Jean: Going through my growing stages I really had a
hard time focusing on who I was and where I was headed. Once I figured that out the continuous challenge has been perfecting everything I touch. I get caught up in over perfecting things and have to remember as long as my best effort was given everything is perfect.

Mistah Wilson: What are your views on the state of the music industry and where it's headed?
Brooke Jean: I believe the industry is filled with a lot of trends and the fear of individuality. There are many genuine artist in the music industry who are slowly breaking the barriers to mainstream music and we need more of that. Everyone doesn't have to make party music 100% of the time, I love to hear stories.

Mistah Wilson: What do you plan on accomplishing through your music?
Brooke Jean: I plan on giving people the confidence to embrace their past trials and tribulations so they can fuel their future with
strength. My music is deeply rooted in neo-soul and mellow hip hop vibes. I like to bring the motivation and the calm breeze to people's soul.

Mistah Wilson: Who are some artists you've worked with and who would you like to work with?
Brooke Jean: I've worked with a lot of local artist in Los Angeles. I've worked with Kendrick Lamar on Section 80 and Terrace Martin on 3 Chord Fold. Though my poetry wasn't used for either final album submission it was definitely an honor and growth experience. I also worked with artist within the USA, Canada and the United Kingdom. I would LOVE to work with Eryakh Badu Lauryn Hill and Jill Scott. Those queens are the inspiration behind my vibe of music.

Mistah Wilson: So, tell me a little about A Poet's Intuition EP. Will you eventually release the sequel album?
Brooke Jean: A Poets Intuition EP was released in 2011. It was my introduction to the world of music and my baby steps as a growing artist. I summarized my experiences from 2009/2010 and outlined
my future life goals. I've come so much further as an individual since then and my next release "Reform" will showcase that. Coming soon :D

Mistah Wilson: What went into making this project and where were you mentally as an artist? What were you trying to say?
Brooke Jean: A lot of sacrifice went into making A Poets Intuition. Working a full time job, studio sessions, decision making with my manager at the time and just being comfortable with letting the world inside my most intimate thoughts. Mentally I was a baby bird, anxious to take the next steps and willing to overcome anything to get there. Everything I was trying to say has been said in the EP.

Mistah Wilson: How important is giving back to the community to you?
Brooke Jean: Giving back is very important. I get all my good energy and vibes from the people I am blessed to meet throughout my lifetime. My form of giving is the God given gift of words. I not only get to inspire by example but receive that same inspiration
back from the community.

Mistah Wilson: Do you have any positive, encouraging words for any up and coming artists?
Brooke Jean: You will go through heaven and hell as you progress to make a name for yourself. You will realize a lot of people do not support you but on the other hand tons of other beautiful beings are there the entire journey. Your faith will be tested and your strength will be teased. Never give up if you're truly passionate about being an artist. You can NOT be in it for the money because your character will fall victim to the dollar.

Mistah Wilson: One last thing. Where do you find your motivation when pursuing your dreams?
Brooke Jean: I see elders 60-90 years old and hear stories of how unhappy they are in their  J O B and with life in general. When I realized material items and money do not hold the key to my heart,
I promised myself I will never grow old unhappy doing what I don't want to do. Even if pursuing my dream leads me to homelessness, my motivation will always find a way back on my feet.
Mistah Wilson: Brooke Jean, I'd like to thank you for coming by ThaWilsonBlock for this exclusive interview. It's been great and insightful. Before we check out, drop your links and some shout outs!
Brooke Jean: Thank you for having me and continuously inspiring the city of Pasadena! We need more great leaders like yourself around. Shout out to my mother for being my #1 Fan and never giving up on me. Shout out to family friends and supporters for forever riding this journey with me.

Instagram: @Brooke_Jean
Twitter: @Brooke_Jean

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